Holme Junior & Infant School

After School Clubs

At Holme School will endeavour to offer at least two after-school clubs each week on a term-to-term basis. Clubs will operate on either a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday after school from 3.20pm-4.15pm. Clubs are booked on a half-termly basis.

Parents pay in advance using Parent Pay; refunds cannot usually be given. Notice will be given if clubs are not running and If a club is oversubscribed, names will be pulled out of a hat. Please note that certain clubs may require a minimum amount of children for them to go ahead.

Unfortunately, school are unable to facilitate transport to the Holmbridge wrap around care provider at 4:15pm if a child is taking part in an after school club.


Current & Upcoming Term ;-


Spring 1 

Wednesdays    Hockey        15.01.25- 05.02.25

Thursdays       Dance          16.01.25 -13.02.25

Spring 2 

Monday           Scraptastic   TBC  

Wednesdays    Tag Rugby     26.02.25- 26.03.25

Thursdays        Football        27.02.25 - 27.03.25



Our chess club last year. 

Last half term, we had a Lego club which was a huge success! This half-term, there is a sports club which encompasses basic sports skills. 

We love to hear from children in regard to what kind of after-school clubs they would enjoy and endeavour to look for new ideas to entice and engage our pupils.